Los Angeles is renowned for its yearlong warm climate and sunny skies, but the summer months intensify these conditions, making it an extremely hot, uncomfortable, and even dangerous time of the year.
Car owners (which are most Angelenos) are especially sensitive to the detriments of this season because they must be mindful of the harmful effects on themselves AND their vehicles: not only must they face the threat of dehydration and sunburn, but they must also be ready for escalated vehicle interior temperatures, system overheating, and so much more. With that said, it is imperative for drivers to be conscious and act proactively to the hazards of summer before being reactive is too late. Here are just a few to keep in mind so that you can stay cool driving through the summer.

1. UV Rays Can Really Damage Your Car
Much like you apply (or should apply) sunscreen before going out into the scorching heat, your car needs the same protection from UV rays that can damage the paint on your car. Your Mechanics found that, when left in the sun, the exterior of a car can reach up to 200 degrees, causing the paint to oxidize and fade.Keep the paint on your car fresh by washing it frequently of debris and dust particles that may dull or scratch your paint. You can even take it a step further by waxing your car just as regularly to provide a physical barrier of protection from the sun.

2. It’s Getting Hot In Here
Although you might be in a rush to get into your car after a long day at work, at school, or anywhere else, the heat you encounter upon returning can actually be dangerous. NBC Los Angeles reports that temperatures in your parked car can reach up to 160 – 200˚F in just an hour, which is the average serving temperature for coffee and can cause severe third-degree burns on skin. Be sure to move around cautiously when going back inside your car and turn on the air conditioner/open your windows to lower the temperature. And so you can start driving as soon as possible, moisten a cloth towel and place it there for a few seconds to cool off your steering wheel in no time.

3. A Sneak Peek into Windows
Most people tend to think that keeping windows open while your car is parked allows a vehicle to remain at a cooler temperature. While this sounds reasonable, cracking open your windows actually won’t help. Jan Null, a California meteorologist, proved thata 1 1/2 inch crack in each windowcould only bring the temperature down by one to two degrees.Instead, your windows are simply adding heat, as the glass acts as an insulator. Do your future self a favor and come back to a more comfortable ride by closing your windows: it will make your car cooler (because there’s no way for the cooler air to escape) and safer (because car thieves won’t have way in and the colder air to escape)!

4. Checking Under the Hood
Those who park their vehicles outdoors are tend to encounter more fluid level issues than others. The hot summer sun can cause evaporation of coolant, transmission fluid, and oil, which increases the chances of damaging the interior of your vehicle, according to The Leavitt Group.Keep your eye on these gauges, and get the fluids replaced as recommended by your vehicle manufacturer. While you’re at it, have the batteries checked by a mechanic to ensure it’s proper working order.

5. Do NOT Leave Anyone Behind!
Always remember that children and pets should NEVER be in a parked car. With temperatures increasing rapidly, a parked car can cause death in less than an hour.
If you see a child or pet in a parked car, especially under direct sunlight, remember to call 911 immediately!
As you and your car navigate the summer together, remember that most of these hazards can be avoided by parking in an enclosed, covered structure. At Joe’s Auto Parks, not only will our facilities protect your car from the harmful effects of the summer, but it will also be a safe, convenient, and affordable parking option so you can spend more of your time on all that the summer has to offer. Visit our Locations pageto see which of our garages can get you near your destination while protecting your car from many hazards!
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