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Joe’s Very Own COO is Taking an Active Role in Off-Highway Legislature.

The OHMVR Division

It is our honor to announce Kevin M. Litwin has been appointed to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission by the Senates Rules Committee and Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de Leon in April of 2016.

Aside from serving as Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Litwin’s commitment to the city of Los Angeles and beyond can be noted through his participation with local and national organizations including serving as the Board Chair of the Los Angeles Lung Association SoCal Leadership Board. He is also a member of the West Adams Neighborhood Association, Historic Core Business Improvement District, and Los Angeles Parking Association.

Kevin Litwin, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation CommissionerA veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Commissioner Litwin’s first experience with the California outdoors came in the mid-90s, while stationed at Camp Pendleton and Twenty-Nine Palms. As a young infantryman, his job responsibilities included being the Chief Assault Climber for his battalion. His passion for an outdoor weekend get-a-way and exploring the State’s back country is a priority and hopes to continue providing this experience while preserving the environment.

“I am very excited to answer the State’s Call to Service and hope to use my experiences in bringing added value for the OHMVR board.” – Commissioner Kevin Litwin

The Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commissioner reviews all plans for new and expanded vehicle recreation areas that have applied for grant funds, annually reviews the proposed budget from the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation fund, reviews the plan developed by the Off-highway Motor Vehicle Recreation division, and considers any alleged negative impacts occurring on private property and recommends suitable measures for the prevention of these impacts and restoration of property.

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